WhatsApp To Shut Services For BlackBerry, Symbian And Windows Powered Devices By 2017.

WhatsApp To Shut Services For BlackBerry, Symbian And Windows Powered Devices By 2017.

Facebooks recently purchased famous WhatsApp Messenger Has Just Passed 1 Billion Users which is a big benchmark. And Users of this APP are rising everyday.

Recently after celebrating its 7th Anniversary Facebook or WhatsApp Announced to shut it's services for BlackBerry, Nokia, Low ends Devices Like Nokia S40 and S60 running on Symbian Platform and also for older Android and Windows Phone.

This crucial decision was tough to take - Company said.

So why they took this decision?
As WhatsApp Was launched 7 years before at that time Nokia and BlackBerry had a capture on 70℅ Market But Now Google, Apple And Microsoft Have 99.5℅ hold in the market.

So that's the reason behind the decision taken by WhatsApp to shut it's Services For BlackBerry, Symbian And Windows Powered Devices By 2017.

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